Website Privacy Notice

What Is This Privacy Notice for?

In the course of our dealings with you, we will collect and process data, which contains personal data about you, in order to provide you with the goods and services you request and to support our ongoing relationship with you. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use your personal data in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws and regulations that relate to data protection and policy, such as the Privacy and Electronics Communications Regulations (PECR).

This privacy notice provides information on how we will collect and process your personal data and how you can exercise your rights with respect to your personal data.

Our privacy policy contains more detailed information about our data processing (including about data security, data retention and lawful processing bases) and you should read that in conjunction with this privacy notice. Where we refer to our privacy policy throughout this notice, you can find our privacy policy here

Nobelus Europe Ltd (“we”, “us” or “our”) is the controller responsible for your personal data. We will collect and process your personal data when you visit our website, provide the information requested in ordering goods and/or services from us, sign up for our newsletter or request more information about or purchase a product or service from us.

What personal data do we collect about you?

We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you as follows:

  • Identity Data
  • Contact Data
  • Financial Data
  • Transaction Data
  • Profile Data
  • Usage Data
  • Marketing and Communications Data.

We explain these categories of data and the different methods we use to collect data about you in our privacy policy.

How do we use your personal data?

We will only use your personal data for the purpose for which we collected it, which includes the following:

  1. To register you as a new customer
  2. To process and deliver orders
  3. To process applications for credit agreements
  4. To maintain records
  5. To provide pre and after sales service
  6. To comply with legal requirements
  7. To manage your relationship with us
  8. To improve our website, products/services, marketing or customer relationships
  9. To recommend products or services which may be of interest to you

How do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data within our corporate group or with external third parties and may transfer, store and process your personal data outside of the United Kingdom. More detail can be found in our privacy policy.

Your legal rights

For details of your rights under data protection laws, including the right to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you and the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK regulator for data protection issues (, please see our privacy policy.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy notice or our data protection practices, please contact: Nobelus Europe Ltd, Denmark House, Victoria Way, Studlands Park Industrial Estate, Newmarket, CB8 7AU, UK.     


Policy Changes

If this Privacy Policy should change, the updated version will be posted on our website so that you are always aware and up to date on our policies, what information we collect, how we use it, who we share it with and why we do so. The updated Privacy Policy will be seen to be in effect from the moment it is posted on our website.

This policy was last updated on 2nd January 2024